Church Net - Online Church Management Software

How Church Net works

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    Enter Subscription & Bag Offertory

    For each Church service (Morning, evening, special or any meetings) you can enter the subscription data (as per the entry from subscription card), Bag offertory (for various ledgers/heading)

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    Enter Receips & Expense, Cash Deposit & Withdrawals

    Enter your receipts and expenses, Cash deposit and with drawl entries

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    All Reports Ready

    Now you can view/download Service report, Cash Book, Bank Book, Ledger report, Income and Expense statement (with Assessable/Non Assessable details)

Church Net Popular features that makes your work easier

Church Network is online software to manage two important activities in a Church –

1. Manage Subscribers’ data  2. Subscription & Bag offertory, Receipts & Payments Management

Under Subscriber Management, you can Manage Subscriber data and their Offertory through Subscription Card. and prepare Member Reports (as per Diocesan procedure)

Under Offertory Management, you can Manage all receipts and payments, prepare fund wise report for each service (For depositing offertories to Bank accounts) and Export data to excel and Import to Tally

You may also take Assessable and Non Assessable income report as per Diocesan Procedure

Check the list of features under various plans that may suits you. You may choose our Starter Plan (Free), Regular Plan or Premium Plan as per your requirements (click here)

All Subscribers Offertory Report - 1

Log on anytime to enter and manage Church Accounts, Members data, Subscription and all offertory related data. Its simple and easy to use. Not everyone can access all data; you can set access to various modules of the software as per the hierarchy (role) of the person and based on the purpose of accessing.

Bag Offertory - 1

From Managing Subscriber data such as Birthday, Marriage Anniversary day to Income and Expense statement (Assessable/Non Assessable Income) Church Net handles all aspect of Church. Beginning from Subscription membership date it provides complete offertory from each subscriber for every service

Membership Data

Membership data with history of subscription, family data, birthday and anniversary; easy to prepare announcements and carol round planning

Fund Wise Offertory Data

Offertories posted under each ledger and maintained fund wise; makes bank deposit easier for each service with one click service wise offertory data

Income and Expense Statement

Income and expense data as per diocesan assessable and non assessable format; makes accounts easier and able to go for auditing earlier

Church Net Software Reports